Privacy Policy
I. SANUM S.A.S. PRIVACY NOTICE is a company founded in 2017, primarily focused on the creation, development, consultancy, and implementation of software, comprehensive solutions for interactive and non-interactive Telemedicine, Telehealth, Tele-orientation, Tele-education, Tele-support, Teleconsultation, Remote patient monitoring, and all matters related to digital health consulting, advisory services, and training. Additionally, we engage in the commercialization, distribution, and transportation of all types of medical and surgical supplies, equipment, and other health-related products. Furthermore, we conduct research, development, and commercialization of all types of IT materials, hardware, software, and information and communication technologies. We also sell online through the internet and/or similar distribution channels, including import, export, representation, commercialization, distribution, brokerage, wholesale and retail transactions, manufacturing, assembly, and the provision of services related to hardware, software, and communication technologies. All of the above, either through our own organization or with strategic partners. Our Mission is to manage risks for companies and individuals by providing solutions to their needs, creating value for our clients, employees, and partners through the competitive performance of our human capital and the continuous improvement of our services. The company's practices are based on the following values: Honesty in all our actions, Service as an integral part of our essence, Ethics in relationships with our competitors, Commitment to our employees, clients, and the community at large, and Respect for people and the law. We are dedicated to managing risks for companies and individuals, generating solutions to their needs, creating value for our clients, employees, and partners through the competitive performance of our human capital and the continuous improvement of our services at both national and international levels. In compliance with Law 1581 of 2012 "Which establishes general provisions for the Protection of Personal Data" and Decree 1377 of 2013, whose texts can be consulted at, we provide you with this Privacy Notice that aims to inform the Data Subject about the existence of SANUM S.A.S.’s Information Processing Policies, how to access them, and the characteristics of the Processing that will be given to the data. II. LOCATION AND COMMUNICATION CHANNELS The registered office of SANUM S.A.S. is located in Bogotá, at Calle 78 No 10-38 Casa 9, and the company can be contacted via the email address and through SANUM S.A.S.’s website III. CONTACT AREA FOR PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION WITHIN SANUM S.A.S.: The contact area for personal data processing matters is the Administrative Area, which is responsible for Personal Data Protection within SANUM S.A.S. The Manager of this area is the official responsible for ensuring compliance with these provisions and thus has direct communication with the Heads of the various Departments of the company and a direct channel with the General Manager. He will be the administrator of SANUM S.A.S.’s databases and will act based on the company’s Privacy Policies, which are published on the company’s website The following is the email address to contact us: IV. PURPOSES OF DATA PROCESSING The purposes of the Processing of personal data provided to SANUM S.A.S. can be divided into two categories: 4.1. General The data collected by SANUM S.A.S. will be used for purposes related to the consulting and Telemedicine services we provide. Consequently, the purpose of requesting your personal data is to provide comprehensive telemedicine solutions, tele-education, tele-support, teleconsultation, remote patient monitoring, and all related to digital health models. A proposal that meets your personal or business needs. Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes: 4.1.1) To carry out the activities related to the contracts entered into with the company, which may include labor, commercial, consultancy contracts, among others. 4.1.2) To offer services and products related to digital health models to obtain the best option for our clients. 4.1.3) To conduct market research, measure satisfaction levels regarding our products and services. 4.1.4) To send advertising or promotional material related to SANUM S.A.S.’s digital health services and products. 4.2. Non-essential purposes: Likewise, the personal data provided, as long as they are not sensitive, particularly contact data, could eventually be used for profiling activities, commercial campaigns, advertising campaigns, loyalty campaigns related to the services provided by the company, and to receive offers for products and services that aim to add value to your company and employees and/or natural persons who request our consulting services and those related to digital medicine. Procedure to revoke consent regarding non-essential purposes: In the event that you do not wish for your information to be used for the purposes described in Section 4.2, you may express it freely by submitting a written communication to the office, addressed to the Area in charge of Personal Data Protection or electronically as follows: By email at In doing so, we ask that you verify your identity and provide the contact information (physical address or email address) where you wish to receive the confirmation of the withdrawal. V. SPECIFIC PURPOSES Databases of Employee Candidates; Employees; Former Employees, and Suppliers: The information in the resumes of candidates will be used by the Company to form an opinion about the person’s qualities and may be retained for future job openings within the company or at SANUM S.A.S.’s client companies. In the event that they are not hired in the first opportunity, the data will be stored solely for use by the Human Resources Department to offer suitable candidates for existing vacancies, provided that companies request such service from SANUM S.A.S. The data collected from employees is intended to develop the labor relationships with them, including those related to social security, recreational activities, such as making them participants in the wellness activities planned by the company, and statistical purposes. The data of employees’ children may be obtained and updated to include them in these activities, and this will be the only use given to them, except those authorized by Law or necessary for the proper development of the employment or service contract. In the case of Suppliers, both natural and legal persons, as well as their legal representatives or natural person managers, SANUM S.A.S. seeks to assess and monitor their financial suitability and commercial behavior when developing the respective service contracts. Additionally, we aim to involve them in commercial activities or campaigns that may be of interest to them. VI. RIGHTS OF DATA SUBJECTS As the Data Subject, you have the following rights: 6.1) To know, update, and correct your personal data with the Data Controllers or Data Processors. This right can be exercised, among others, with regard to partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractional data that induces errors, or those whose Processing is explicitly prohibited or not authorized; 6.2) To request proof of the authorization granted to the Data Controller, except when expressly exempted as a requirement for Processing, in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 1581/12; 6.3) To be informed by the Data Controller or the Data Processor, upon request, regarding the use that has been made of your personal data; 6.4) To file complaints with the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of this law and other regulations that modify, add, or complement it; 6.5) To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the Processing does not respect constitutional and legal principles, rights, and guarantees. The revocation and/or deletion will proceed when the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce has determined that the Data Controller or Processor has engaged in conduct contrary to this law and the Constitution; 6.6) To access your personal data free of charge that has been subject to Processing. 6.7) To delete the data provided it is not protected or necessary by virtue of an existing contract or by Law. VII. SECURITY MEASURES All information held in the databases managed by SANUM S.A.S. is protected in terms of access, storage, and use. SANUM S.A.S. adheres to high standards of information security and has implemented procedures to ensure the confidentiality and appropriate use of the information. SANUM S.A.S. is continuously improving its security systems, aiming for the highest standards of technology available and accessible, considering the size of the company. VIII. CROSS-BORDER DATA TRANSFER SANUM S.A.S. stores information in the Cloud. For this purpose, it has selected a serious and responsible provider located in Colombia. IX. CHANGES TO POLICIES OR PRIVACY NOTICE The Privacy Policies, as well as the Policy Manual and Procedures that develop the policy adopted by the company, will be available on the internet on the website Any significant changes to the Manual will be informed through the same medium and subsequently through any other deemed appropriate. Substantial changes made to the Privacy Notice will be promptly communicated through the same virtual medium.